Short Film (Production slated for 2019)
Me 3.769 Written & Directed by Elaine Del Valle
A Short Film based on the pilot Latin X by writer & director Alain Alfaro. Starring Camila Perez, Message Erased is set to air on HBO Summer 2019
Gran'pa Knows Best. Watch episodes at
DreamTown by Betty Bastides
Brownsville Bred by Elaine Del Valle
Now available on Amazon Prime, Final Decision is a short film written and directed by Elaine Del Valle
Bloodline by Richard LeMay
A short film series about the unique journeys of three inspiring individuals of color, and the adversity they overcame on the path toward higher education. Created by William D. Caballero
A Short Film written & directed by Alain Alfaro. Starring Taylor Petracek and Patricia Selznick
The Mark by Taryn Kosviner
A short film written and directed by Emmy Award Winner Dr. Sabrina McCormick. Stars Fina Strazza, Katrina Lenk and Alison Ewing. An Action Drama about Time Travel, Fracking and Family
Reasons Y I'm Single
A Good Egg by Sabrina McCormick
Roses On The Lawn by Lee Peterkin